In the MSc. graduates of domestic universities and like-minded recognized institutions abroad, as well as graduates of TEI Departments are accepted. Candidates can also be students, who are expected to become graduates by the end of September 2020.

For the selection of students who will attend the MSc. for the acquisition of Masters Degree, the following are taken into account:

Ι. The formal and substantive qualifications of the candidates, as they are documented during the evaluation process and mainly concern the following:

1. The studies of the candidates.
The general degree is taken into account, the grade in the undergraduate courses that are related to the courses of the MSc., the performance in the diploma thesis, where it is provided.

2. The special qualifications of the candidates.
Such qualifications are: holding other university degrees than the first, holding a doctoral or postgraduate degree, previous service in education, holding the position of education executive (head of education, counselor, principal and deputy principal of school), academic and Candidates' research work published in prestigious scientific journals or conference proceedings, other writing, participation in conferences with announcement, foreign language degree, certified computer skills, organization of innovative school programs and participation in transnational programs exchanges, participation in university research projects.

II. The general presence of candidates in the oral interview. The oral interview focuses on issues of scientific and social interest, related to the MSc., and aims at:

1. in the ascertainment of the general scientific training of the candidate and the formation of his / her personality,

2. in the verification of special qualifications or activities of the candidate that are in line with the objectives and the content of the MSc. and

3. in the clarification of issues that could affect the final intention of the candidate to join the P.M.S. (program requirements, operational issues, goals, needs, interests, etc.).


Click here for the required documentation.


2022 Department of Management Science and Technology, University of Patras
